Plant guide: Roses

Pink rose growing up a house wall

Despite being the quintessential flower of UK gardening, we find that roses sometimes have a bit of a reputation as being fussy and difficult to grow.  

While it is true that roses do need a bit of TLC to keep them thriving, we absolutely love them and think they deserve a spot in every garden. Given a bit of basic care throughout the year, they more than reward the effort put in. 

The different varieties and styles of roses available is enormous: dainty little tea roses grown in pots, big blousy blooms in the borders, wild looking ramblers in an old apple tree and everything in between. Whatever you choose, a beautiful rose in bloom in the garden is guaranteed to raise a smile.

Botanical name: Rosa

Plant type: Woody perennial. There are more than 300 different species of rose, each with their own characteristic.  Some are grown as bushes, some climbers or ramblers. All are deciduous, though there are some “semi evergreen” varieties that hold their leaves for longer into winter.

Growing conditions: With such a huge variety of roses available, there is a rose to suit most spots. Choose a hardy, disease resistant variety that is suitable for your growing conditions. Typically, roses will need at least 4-5 hours of sun a day to thrive, but there are some that will be happy in a shadier spot; the David Austin website has a fantastic search option which allows you to find the right rose for your garden.


How to plant:

Roses can be bought ‘bare root’ in the winter or in pots all year round. I would recommend bare root stock – it is much cheaper than pot grown so you can buy even more roses!

Whatever you choose, make sure you plant your rose into a large hole with plenty of compost or well-rotted manure incorporated in. Firm the soil down well and mulch thickly around the base with bark chippings and water well. Keep an eye on the weather and if it’s dry, give your newly planted rose a really good soak every few days.


If you look after a rose while it establishes, you will be rewarded with a much happier and healthier plant in the long run and the most beautiful blooms.

Roses are hungry plants, and will appreciate a feed a couple of times a year to keep their blooms at their best. You can buy specialist rose food from garden centres. Follow the packet instructions for the one you choose, and don’t be tempted to overdo it – feeding your plants too often, or without diluting the plant feed enough can actually stop them growing properly…

For the first year especially, water the rose thoroughly in any extended dry periods.


Pruning will keep your roses strong and stop them from getting leggy. Many people feel worried about pruning roses, but don’t be scared, it’s fairly straightforward and really helps to keep the plant healthy. A good, sharp pair of secateurs is a must for pruning, and thick gloves will help to protect against thorns.

Pruning should be carried out in late winter/early spring, when you start to see the first signs of new growth. For a shrub rose, cut back all stems by about a third to create a neat shape and then remove any dead, diseased or damaged looking stems. Don’t panic if you’ve got a bit carried away- they will come back even if you cut them down practically to the base!

Climbing roses can be cut back as much as is needed and then tied into their supporting structure. Cut any stems that are growing in the wrong direction down to the base and remove any dead or diseased looking stems completely.

Get rid of any rose prunings from your garden to reduce the risk of diseases, such as rose black spot, that can live on in leaf litter. Burn them if you have access to a bonfire, otherwise send them to a council managed hot composting, don’t put them into your own compost bin.

 After the rose has flowered, deadheading will encourage repeat flowing, so snip off any fading blooms regularly.

Grow with:

Almost anything!

Of course, roses look like perfection in a traditional cottage garden look, but you can mix them with more modern planting as well, they look wonderful popping out from between moving grasses…


Once your roses are established you can cut the flowers to bring in the house. They’re one of the best flowers for cutting, as they last for a long time in the vase and many have incredible scents.

Roses can also be dried – either as a whole flower head on a stem, or to make dried rose petals, which can be used for confetti.


Best wishes from Vic